A little over two thousand years ago a baby was born whose birth was foretold by prophets of God since Moses. The celestial angels filled the heavens in a universal outbreak of joy, singing, and rejoicing, that this day had finally come.
Shepherds tending their flocks at night having beheld this spectacle made their way down the hillsides of Bethlehem, and having found him, stood in amazement as they beheld him in a manger wondering within themselves what it all meant.
Jesus always had the ability to amaze as at the age of twelve he stood in the temple surrounded by the doctors of the law, and demonstrated by his words the power of God which he carried within him. Only someone who carried in his heart a connection with his Father could have told his exasperated parents that they should have known they would find him in his Father's house.
John in prophetic wonder stood on the banks of the Jordan and proclaimed to one and all that another was coming. How marvelous that Jesus came to be baptized by John at the start of his ministry. Three years of miracles and wonders followed all leading to one night.
On that night the meek Nazarene made his way out of Jerusalem into the Judean hillside. This was a trip he had made many times before. This night was unlike any that had ever been experienced. As he made his way to the garden his disciples walked with him. They had spent many a night in the past three years with him but this time it was different.
He who had given of himself to so many, on this night carried an internal weight upon his heart. As he and his disciples entered the garden Jesus took Peter, James, and John and withdrew himself to pray. His spirit was consumed with an agony only God could understand or carry.
Only he and his Father truly understood what had to be done. The internal agony within his soul manifested itself in the great drops of blood that fell from his face to the dusty ground of the garden. Yet within his heart he could see beyond the agony he was soon to face.
The human race would through his sacrifice find the doorway open to the Father of love. No longer would mankind be doomed to live in the shadows filled with pain, sorrow , and fear. Ever since that day the Father has given the love, understanding, and direction of God to one and all because of the sacrifice of his son.
Jesus was a light to that generation and all that have followed. Today we see many things happening in our world that are causing great concern to millions around the globe. War, famine, and epidemic diseases have claimed tens of thousands of lives. Add to that the economic uncertainty and we can readily understand the fear that grips the heart of so many today.
So fearful heart whatever your pain, sorrow, or fear, he is one whispered prayer away. He understands and stands ready to wipe the tears from your eyes, and the grief and fear from your heart.