Tuesday, November 30, 2021

The Daily Scroll

 “He [God] reveals deep and mysterious things and knows what lies hidden in darkness, though he is surrounded by light” (Daniel 2:22)

We must understand that God sees everything and everyone at all times. We can’t run, we can’t hide, so don’t bother. Instead, run to Him. His arms are open wide for you. Yes you! He loves you, forgives your sins, and longs for fellowship with you. He really does. 

Monday, November 29, 2021

The Daily Scroll

 It’s there if you look for it.

In these last days in which we live, as the Bible predicted, we see wars and rumors of wars, pestilence, pandemics, earthquakes in various places. Economic uncertainty worries many people in many lands. However, it’s there if you look for it. What’s there? Good. Good you say? What good? The beauty of a sunrise, or the majesty of a sunset. The joy of a newborn baby. The words “I now pronounce you Husband and Wife.” A flower that survived an early frost. Yes, there is good all around us if you look for it. - gene

Saturday, November 27, 2021

The Daily Scroll

 When enjoying the hustle and bustle of Christmas shopping, don’t get too busy to acknowledge the greatest gift of all. A precious little baby born long ago for you. 

Friday, November 26, 2021

The Daily Scroll

 I Just Want You

When in the throes of pain - I just want you

When fortunes I have gained - I just want you

When happy at the table - I just want you

When lying here disabled - I just want you

When friendly hearts surround me - I just want you

When hordes of evil pound me - I just want you

When Up, down, good or bad - I just want you...Jesus

Thursday, November 25, 2021

The Daily Scroll Thanksgiving

Thanksgiving Day Is Ours

There is a friendly debate among historians as to when the first Thanksgiving was celebrated in America. Some say it was in Virginia in 1610, and others hold fast to our traditional first Thanksgiving celebrated in Plymouth Plantation, Massachusetts, in 1621.

Whichever side of the debate one chooses to embrace, the fact remains that Thanksgiving Day is ours.

Before America existed as a nation, the hardy souls who persevered to found this great country made the effort to thank God Almighty for His provision and grace.

Giving thanks in Virginia, Massachusetts, and many other settlements across the new world was a spontaneous act by grateful people. They experienced a life so rugged, that without the providence of God they would have surely not survived. They were grateful for God’s favor and blessing.

Our first President, George Washington, a man acclaimed to be the Father of our Country, acknowledged God as the source of our Nation’s strength and very existence. He felt so strongly about this that he made a proclamation for a national day of thanksgiving on Thursday, November 26th, 1789.

President Abraham Lincoln made it an official national holiday on Thursday, November 26th, 1863. He believed in the importance of setting aside a day to honor God and give thanks individually and corporately as a people.

Thanksgiving day has become a tradition, which like other traditions, has developed, grown, and transitioned from being a simple spiritual act of acknowledging God’s blessings, to a national event of unbridled proportions.

Ball games, shopping, days off from work, and travel are just a few of the Thanksgiving activities that can encumber us and help us to forget the true meaning of the holiday.

This day is meant to be a time to stop, take notice of our blessings, and acknowledge God with a grateful heart. Lest we forget, there have been Thanksgivings in the past that were very trying and somber, days of prayer and fasting.

Today, one could say that we are too busy enjoying our blessings to pause and be thankful. We all share in the responsibility for the national event that Thanksgiving Day has become because it is our day.

I am so thankful to God that He has given us the freedom to worship Him with our thanks. And the blessings that we enjoy over this holiday are truly from Him.

I believe He continues to bless us in part because we do take a day, our day, each year, and as a people tell the whole world that we thank Almighty God for His provident grace.

The Bible says: “Give thanks to the LORD and proclaim his greatness. Let the whole world know what he has done.” (1 Chronicles 16:8 NLT)

This Thanksgiving as we share our feast with our loved ones, plan our shopping for Friday, and our Christmas decorating for Saturday, give a nod to our forbearers whose grateful hearts made this all possible.

Enjoy taking part in a celebration uniquely our own, individually and corporately. Pass on to the next generation the knowledge of how blessed we are as individuals, families, and as a people.

Speak of the mighty and wondrous things that the Lord has done, and share our thankful hearts one with another.

“Let each generation tell its children of your mighty acts; let them proclaim your power.” (Psalm 145:4 NLT)

The famous author O. Henry wrote, “There is one day that is ours. There is one day when all we Americans who are not self-made go back to the old home to eat biscuits and marvel how much nearer to the porch the old pump looks than it used to. Thanksgiving Day is the one day that is purely American.”

Happy Thanksgiving!

Wednesday, November 24, 2021

The Daily Scroll

 Tomorrow, in the US, we celebrate Thanksgiving which we believe started with the pilgrims giving thanks to God for sustaining them in this new land. They celebrated with indigenous people and together, we believe, had a wonderful meal and a good time. So what will we do tomorrow? Close our self off to just ourselves and our family? This is good but maybe we could stretch that invitation out to some indigenous people in our own community. And when I say indigenous people I really mean people that we normally have nothing to do with, that are there but seemingly separate from our community and our realm of friends and family. Many people are hurting right now. Some are sick some are very poor and many really don’t know where their next meal is coming from. Our community raised funds and food in various outreach campaigns to help the poor and I’m sure the ones that get this will really appreciate it. But what about those that don’t receive it? And what about those who need it every day not just Thanksgiving or Christmas. Let this be a time in whatever community you live in, whether you’re in America, England, Belarus, Australia and everywhere that this blog is read, to reach out and bless, or feed someone. If only one person. If you have it in your heart to help, God will put someone on your heart to bless. I hope everyone has a very blessed Thanksgiving day tomorrow with family and friends and a blessed day of thanks around the world. - gene

Tuesday, November 23, 2021

The Daily Scroll

 Dear Readers,

A Month ago today I fell and broke my right leg. So I was forced to pause my Daily Scroll. I have been in the hospital and in hospital rehab. However I am now going to continue with the help of God to produce my daily stroll from my hospital bed. I miss my dear readers and I will do my best to be here for you. I can testify that God has been with me every step of the way and the gospel I preach is true. The Lord Jesus does stick closer than a brother. In the future I’ll share more of what I’ve learned so far. For now, to everyone who may be sick or hurt, in the hospital or sick bed, I feel your pain I understand your frustrations. More importantly, so does the Lord. If you know the Lord Jesus as your personal savior know that he is with you, right beside your sickbed. He’s never left your side and he never will. He promised this in the Bible.