Many people, even Christians, have a misconception about God the Father. They judge Him based on their earthly father. If they had a good father, then they look on their heavenly Father as good. If their earthly father was mean, cruel, or absent, then they might expect the same from their heavenly Father. What we all need to realize is that our heavenly Father is perfect in every way. He is the best Father.
He showed His goodness to the children of Israel as He brought them out of slavery and provided for them in the desert. His word says, “I will abundantly bless her provision. I will satisfy her poor with bread” (Psalms 132:15 KJV).
And when Father speaks to His children, He does it with loving kindness, not in harsh, aggravated tones. His loving kindness is unparallel and His grace and mercy knows no limits. He is not a King who sits on a throne and tosses out crumbs to His children as if they were beggars. No, He is our loving Heavenly Father who desires to help and bless us. He is love, and He’ll bless us even when we don’t ask.
I remember how my wife and I would go to Toys R Us and buy toys, dolls, and things for our daughter when she was growing up. We loved doing it so much that we rarely waited for her to ask us for something. We would buy the things we knew she would like and surprise her. This would always bring a happy smile to her face, and as her joy was our joy, happy smiles adorned our faces as well. Today, we have an attic full of smiles, found memories that remain even today.
Not long ago I was the recipient of a surprise gift from my heavenly Father. I was short an ingredient that I needed for a tank of cleaning product I was blending. I was making two tanks and needed one gallon of this ingredient per tank. I was short three-fourths of a gallon and it would be several days before my supply arrived. On the morning I was to make it, I awoke to the voice of the Lord speaking to me in the Spirit. He said, “Take the chemical you have and divide it equally into two buckets.”
As I shook my head while trying to wake up I said, “Lord, I don’t want to short change my product. I’ve never done that before.”
He said, “Take two buckets and divide the chemical equally. Make your two tanks, I’ll take care of it.”
I said, “OK Lord. I’ll do it.” What could I say? It was the Lord.
So I went in and carefully divided the ingredient equally into two buckets, poured one into the tank with my other ingredients, and set the other bucket aside. Two days later, I went back to make the second tank, and when I reached for the bucket that was set aside, I noticed something different about it. It had a full gallon!
Setting it on a table, I stood back and looked at it like it was a two-headed rabbit. My jaw dropped, as I stood there astounded. There was no doubt that God had increased that partial gallon to a full gallon. I was too careful when I divided it, and no one had access to it. It was a miracle!
I was assured that if He increased the second bucket then He increased the first one as well. I had not even asked for this. It was just for my convenience. He did it to bless me and see the smile on my face. I know it must have brought a smile to His face also. We rejoiced together.
It reminded me of the time He used the prophet Elijah to turn an empty barrel of meal and oil into a bottomless barrel for a widow and her son, until the drought was over (1 Kings 17:14). And let’s not forget Lord Jesus turning the water in pots into fine wine (John 2:7-10).
This same God blesses us every day in ways we don’t expect nor ask, just to see the smile on our face. And like a good Father, it puts a smile on His face also. I believe when Father goes through the memories in His mind, HE finds an attic full of smiles as well.
“Your Father knows exactly what you need even before you ask him!” (Matthew 6:8)
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