Friday, April 22, 2022

The Daily Scroll

“You have built great cities says the lord. The power and might which you have developed has created cities, devices, technologies, wonders that mankind has never seen before. The earth which I created, in all beauty and splendor by my glory, is there for you to enjoy and you have turned much of it into the glory and splendor of mankind by your creation. There is coming a day when the glory and splendor of mankind‘s creation will fail the foundation will crumble and yet my creation of the mountains, the rivers, the oceans, the sky, the moon and the stars will remain for my creation is everlasting. So seek not the power and might of mankind and what he can do for you, but seek the Power and might of what your God, the creator of all things can do for you, for I am with you I will never leave you. For those who are determined to be independent from me, your dependence is not well placed, for you who turn away from me, refuse to believe in me, your faith is misplaced and you will see the foundations of your faith crumble before your eyes.”

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