Friday, August 26, 2022

The Daily Scroll


From the Life Application Bible

Mark 15:44-47 This evidence demonstrates Jesus’ uniqueness in history and proves that he is God’s Son. No one else was able to predict his own resurrection and then accomplish it. 

Proposed Explanations for Empty Tomb: Jesus was only unconscious and later revived. 

Evidence against These Explanations: A Roman soldier told Pilate that Jesus was dead. References: Mark 15:44-45 

Evidence against These Explanations: The Roman soldiers did not break Jesus’ legs because he had already died, and one of them pierced Jesus’ side with a spear. References: John 19:32-34 Evidence against These Explanations: Joseph of Arimathea and Nicodemus wrapped Jesus’ body and placed it in the tomb. References: John 19:38-40 

Proposed Explanations for Empty Tomb: The women made a mistake and went to the wrong tomb. Evidence against These Explanations: Mary Magdalene and Mary the mother of Joseph saw Jesus placed in the tomb. References: Matthew 27:59-61; Mark 15:47; Luke 23:55

Evidence against These Explanations: On Sunday morning Peter and John also went to the same tomb. References: John 20:3-9 

Proposed Explanations for Empty Tomb: Unknown thieves stole Jesus’ body. Evidence against These Explanations: The tomb was sealed and guarded by Roman soldiers. References: Matthew 27:65-66 

Proposed Explanations for Empty Tomb: The disciples stole Jesus’ body. Evidence against These Explanations: The disciples were ready to die for their faith. Stealing Jesus’ body would have been admitting that their faith was meaningless. References: Acts 12:2 

Proposed Explanations for Empty Tomb: The religious leaders stole Jesus’ body to produce it later. Evidence against These Explanations: If the religious leaders had taken Jesus’ body, they would have produced it to stop the rumors of his resurrection. References: None 

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