Thursday, June 30, 2011
Overcoming the Four D’s
Roy was the Senior Pastor of the church he pioneered, when his marriage came to an end. This most significant disaster in his life nearly destroyed him. Feeling like he could not go on, Roy left his church of nineteen years and moved to Virginia to live with his sister and brother-in-law.
In the months and years to follow, Roy describes what he went through as the four D’s, Depression, Despair, Defeat, and finally Despondency. Though he would not admit it at the time, Roy was, in fact, a man of faith with the strength of a lion. God would not let him languish forever. Oh no. Christ was in him and scripture helped him keep his sanity.
“And we know that God causes everything to work together for the good of those who love God and are called according to His purpose for them” (Romans 8:28 NLT).
Roy began to attend his sister’s church and eventually headed up the men’s group. He had one consistent message. It’s not too late, God is not through with you yet, and the best is yet to come. I was in that men’s group and witnessed the optimism and faith that sustained him.
Roy went on a short-term mission trip to Romania, and developed relationships there with Christian leaders. On a subsequent trip to Romania, God sparked a vision in him and Roy began to stay for extended periods of time, preaching in churches all over the country.
He found the Romanians to be a poor people with a rich hunger for God. All day they would work in the fields, and afterward eagerly come to his meetings at night. The people touched his heart and he realized God’s purpose for the next phase of his life.
He received the vision and calling to reach the Nation of Romania for Christ. With only his small minister’s pension, he turned his face from retirement and set out on his greatest adventure with Christ as his only partner.
He bought an old house with a barn and declared it Apa Vie, which means living water. He repaired, and renovated the building into a conference center. From this commitment began Evangelistic meetings for youth, and Pastors conferences training hundreds for ministry. Roy has spoken before the elite political and scientific leaders in the country, including major Universities.
He developed an outstanding reputation among Romanians from all walks of life. Pastors and churches in the US have partnered with him and use his Apa Vie conference center as a base of operations for mission trips.
God proves through Roy that we do not have to wait until everything is in place to start. We must face the reality of our circumstances, hold faith in God and His plan for us, and act! You do not have to languish either. Don’t give up hope. Your dreams may seem impossible to accomplish. The four D’s may be your daily companions, but don’t quit!
Remember what the Bible says, “For God is working in you, giving you the desire and the power to do what pleases him” (Philippians 2:13 NLT).
Roy’s dream is still in progress as he has plans for further expansion. We are all part of God’s expanding Kingdom, so don’t fall prey to the four D’s. Take your rightful place in the Kingdom. With Christ, your dream is possible! In Roy’s words, “You are significant! The best is ahead of you! You never know what God is up to! Keep the faith, and trust God!
Sunday, June 19, 2011
In my life I have held many positions with various titles. Some have been professional, some spiritual, and some just for fun. But of all the positions I have held. None compares with the title of Father. When you are young you assume that one day you will become a father because most every man does. It's the way of nature. And when you marry you assume it is just around the corner because you are now in the relationship in which you can become fruitful and multiply as the Lord commanded in the Bible.
Yet you still haven't a clue how your life will change, how you will change. For me, it was a long wait. Nineteen years we waited, then one day our prayers were answered and the miracle of life happened for us.
Seeing that beautiful precious face of our baby girl was as close to a divine experience as one could have on this earth. We fell totally and completely in love with this little stranger, whom we felt that we always knew. We held our dream in our hands for the first time.
Yes, we were crazy about our blessing and set about to do everything we dreamed of doing with a child. We bought her everything we dreamed of, we took her every place we dreamed of going and took great care to plan her future. That was to be expected. But the love I felt for my child, was something I never expected. I had experienced nothing with which to compare.
I remember my Godly Grandmother, when she visited, upon seeing dozens of pictures of my baby daughter on the walls warned, "Now son, be careful not to worship that child, we are only supposed to worship the Lord." I explained to her, "Grandmother, my love for her is so great, I can't help it. God understands."
I know she meant well, but as far as I was concerned, my love was God given and so I didn't consider it worship, just the highest, most pure love one could have. That love has never wavered or waned. It continues to grow with time. It is unabashed. And as far as I am concerned, it is the nearest a man can understand the love that God, our heavenly Father, has for us, His children.
The title of Father comes to men through biology, marriage, or adoption. The love of a Father solidifies and confirms the right to that title. It is the highest title a man may hold. It is a title most solemn, conferred and blessed of God. Laura is and will always be, my cherished blessing, and I will always be her Father.
Yet you still haven't a clue how your life will change, how you will change. For me, it was a long wait. Nineteen years we waited, then one day our prayers were answered and the miracle of life happened for us.
Seeing that beautiful precious face of our baby girl was as close to a divine experience as one could have on this earth. We fell totally and completely in love with this little stranger, whom we felt that we always knew. We held our dream in our hands for the first time.
Yes, we were crazy about our blessing and set about to do everything we dreamed of doing with a child. We bought her everything we dreamed of, we took her every place we dreamed of going and took great care to plan her future. That was to be expected. But the love I felt for my child, was something I never expected. I had experienced nothing with which to compare.
I remember my Godly Grandmother, when she visited, upon seeing dozens of pictures of my baby daughter on the walls warned, "Now son, be careful not to worship that child, we are only supposed to worship the Lord." I explained to her, "Grandmother, my love for her is so great, I can't help it. God understands."
I know she meant well, but as far as I was concerned, my love was God given and so I didn't consider it worship, just the highest, most pure love one could have. That love has never wavered or waned. It continues to grow with time. It is unabashed. And as far as I am concerned, it is the nearest a man can understand the love that God, our heavenly Father, has for us, His children.
The title of Father comes to men through biology, marriage, or adoption. The love of a Father solidifies and confirms the right to that title. It is the highest title a man may hold. It is a title most solemn, conferred and blessed of God. Laura is and will always be, my cherished blessing, and I will always be her Father.
Monday, June 13, 2011
He Cares, He's Family

By Shanna Wolfe, Guest Blogger
Yesterday, I worked 11 hours. When, I came home I turned on my televion watching this show called "Coming Home" on the Lifetime channel. It was about young military fathers returning home to their wives and small children. Each segment of the show was very powerful and emotional. I love a good story like that.
After the show was over, I got up from my couch and went into the kitchen. As I walked around the corner of my living room and into my dining room, I saw out of the corner of my eye the Pillar of Fire of the Holy Spirit. The Pillar of Fire extended from my living room floor to the ceiling (11ft). I went into the kitchen to grab something to eat out of the "frig" and laid back down on my couch. The Father then spoke to me.
He said, "Shanna, I'm here for you no matter how you feel or what you are going through. I know that your hurting. I can feel what your feeling. I'm here for you."
He walked over to where I was laying, kneeling down by the couch where I was. He then began to stroke my hair, like a caring loving Father that He was/is. In His eyes, I could see true concern and love. I didn't say anything. I just looked at Him and took the words He said to me into my heart. I needed to hear those words from Him.
The Father then looked at the Holy Spirit, who was near by observing. The understanding I have that this is my family. The Holy Spirit and the Father were there for me. I had a vision a few months back where I was seated in cabin in the forest of God. I was seated at a table with the the Father, the son and the Holy Spirit was hovering around. We were having a conversation, which I cannot recall. I realized at that moment we were family.
Thursday, June 9, 2011
God's Love, God Heart

By Shanna Wolfe Guest Blogger
I feel very blessed to have been chosen by God to receive such beautiful visions of Himself. Often, when I do have these visions my mind cannot quite comprehend the experience. It just seems to be to extraordinary and to wonderful to behold. However, it's exactly as the the Lord shows me. If it is God showing it, then it's meant to be received as truth. God is not a man that he should lie. Who am I to say what God is showing me is authentic or not? I know the visions are real. The visions I have are always backed up by scripture.
One night, while I was sitting on my couch (most my visions happen while I'm sitting on the couch) the Lord asked me a question. He asked, "Ask me anything and I will grant it to you?"
My heart swelled with overwhelming joy when He presented me with this wonderful opportunity.
I replied to the Lord saying, "Lord, I want your heart. I want to know you personally."
In a vision I saw the Father standing next to Jesus. The Father dropped to His knees, wrapped His arms around Jesus, and began to cry when I said this to Him. In that moment, I began to understand just how desperately the Lord wanted me/us to know Him personally. He craves it with all His heart, mind and Holy Spirit. My hope is that I can get the concept of God's great love into my own heart and spirit! It's a beautiful, beautiful thing we have in God.
I am thankful to have God as my god. I cannot image having a God who was far off and distant. My God is right there wanting a personal, loving and intimate relationship with me/you on passionate level.
Saturday, June 4, 2011
Is Your Faith Worth the Leap?

The Bible says, “Your word is a lamp to guide my feet and a light for my path” (Psalm 119:105 NLT).
The stress and tensions of life become more unbearable when we live in selfish disobedience to the Word of faith. Yet simple submission and obedience to God’s Word relieve the stress that disobedience and today’s culture impose. Doubt is crippling, but faith is empowering; so make that leap! Faith in action brings victory!
The Bible says in James 2:26, that faith without works is dead. I have learned that faith with works (action) is alive. Faith without works (action) can become an unfulfilled fantasy. For if I have faith that God is leading me, but I do not follow or act on it, then faith turns to doubt and my inaction leads to death; the death of my faith and the death of my dream. This is a horrible state in which to exist.
Unfulfilled faith creeps into one’s life like oil into water. Just as oil pollutes, leaving a nasty film which ruins the purity of the water - so doubt, solidified by inaction, covers the purity of faith; rendering it polluted, unfit, and unusable. Faith activated by works (action) skims the doubt that covers the water of life, cleans it, and recovers the purity of the gift that obedience brings to fruition.
We must be doers of the word and not just hearers. It is so human to hear the word, rejoice in what we hear, and then…. ponder. Pondering plants seeds of doubt, which grows into the mighty tree of procrastination, that bears the poisonous leaves of inaction.
“But they delight in the law of the LORD, meditating on it day and night. They are like trees planted along the riverbank, bearing fruit each season. Their leaves never wither, and they prosper in all they do” (Psalms 1:2 NLT).
We must be like good soldiers and jump to attention, springing into action at the orders of our commander, the Lord. But what do we do instead? We hear the order and then prepare to jump, but inaction and hesitation cause us to get caught in the preparation, and we fail to jump. What a sad sight, to see the army of the Lord procrastinating before Him! How undignified!
It is better to jump and fall, than be stuck squatting down to jump. Squatting is a horrible place to stay. You can’t sit down. You can’t rise up. You can neither rest in your success nor stand in the knowledge of a job well done. Go ahead and jump! You can ask how high on the way up! Better to relieve the tension and stretch in the jump than to live with the constant strain of being stuck in the squat. Obedience in the jump is the better way. Make that leap of faith. We’ll see you on the way up!
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