“El que creu en mi, com ha dit l’Escriptura, tindrà corrents d’aigua viva que flueixen des de dins d’ell.” (Joan 7:38)
“The one who believes in me, as the Scripture has said, will have streams of living water flow from deep within him.” (John 7:38)
“Però la porta d’entrada a la vida és molt estreta i el camí és difícil, i només uns quants ho troben” (Mateu 7:14)
“But the gateway to life is very narrow and the road is difficult, and only a few ever find it.” (Matthew 7:14)
A tots els nostres amics i companys de fe d’Andorra. Salutacions en nom del nostre Pare Déu, i del seu Fill, Jesucrist, autor i finalitzador de la nostra fe. El Senyor et diria …
“Sento el vostre aïllament i, de vegades, la solitud. Malgrat això, entreteniu els molts desconeguts que visiten la vostra terra natal. La vostra hospitalitat és àmpliament coneguda. Durant els temps tranquils, confieu en que jo sóc la vostra font, la vostra veritable font per a totes les coses. . Reuneix la depressió als braços i dóna-ho tot. Jo la cuidaré i et portaré. ”
Que la vostra temporada d’ingressos et faci pròspera, i la seva gràcia i pau siguin sobre tu i sobre la teva. – gen
To all our friends and companions of faith in Andorra . Greetings in the name of our Father God, and His Son, Jesus Christ, author and finisher of our faith. The Lord would say to you…
“I feel your isolation, and sometimes loneliness. In spite of this, you entertain the many strangers who visit your homeland. Your hospitality is widely known. During the quiet times rely on me for I am your source, your true source for all things. Gather your depression into your arms and give it all to me. I will care for it and I will carry you.”
May your season of revenue make you prosperous, and may his grace and peace be upon you and yours. – gene
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