Wednesday, August 2, 2023

The Daily Scroll - The Wave

 I remember growing up in Virginia Beach Virginia, USA. I loved wading out into the ocean and riding the waves back to the shore. I could do it all day. But occasionally a big wave would catch me off guard and slam me into the sand, turning me upside down and every which a way. Ha. That would cause me to be more observant and cautious. 

As I aged and began to serve the Lord Jesus it seemed that the enemy of my soul, that ole devil, would try me, tempt me, and do his best to catch me off guard. Just like playing in the ocean, playing with sin can be fun, and even exhilarating, but when you least expect it you’ll get hit with that big wave (consequences) that will smash you to the floor, turning you upside down and every which a way. You’ll end up hurt or even destroyed. 

I have also learned that the enemy will sometimes send in that wave when you are living holy with your God. The difference is that when you’re doing your best to live right and serve God, you have protection against destruction. When you are born again and living in Christ, the enemy has to go through Christ to get to you. And believe me I’ve been there, and the terror of the wave is blocked as God raises a wall of protection around you. The Bible calls it a standard. So be encouraged.

“When the enemy shall come in like a flood, the Spirit of the Lord shall lift up a standard against him.“ (Isaiah 59:19)

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