Wednesday, November 15, 2023

The Daily Scroll - End Times

 Many people, Christians and non- Christians alike, believe that we are living in the last days. Troubles and conflicts in various parts of the world point to it. Let me ask, why do men think that they can rule the world? If any rational thinking person reads the Bible prophesies and half-way believes them, then what is the point? Satan himself thinks he will, but he only has a short time in power such that it is. Jesus is coming. 

I was reading the book of Revelation in the Bible, and it shows two hugely different facts. First, that God loves His children very much and has a glorious future planned for all the believers in His Son Christ Jesus. Secondly, the devil has plans to enslave the world with cruelty unknown to modern man. He’ll take no prisoners. His power and evil ways will wash across the globe in madness like an over flowing sewer.

Read the book of Revelation for yourself. The events are more chilling than any horror novel ever written. Sadly, it’s not fiction, it’s coming. Be ready for the return of Christ to rapture His people home before it’s too late. Be ready.

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