Thursday, January 18, 2024

The Daily Scroll - A Rose in the Snow

 In the deep of winter, when the snow covers the earth, all is not dead. All is not lost. It may be harder to find life under a blanket of white, yet it can be found if you know where to look. Janet was a older woman who had seen many snowfalls in her life, so this current one seemed to be no different, yet she felt that something had changed. Being a widow had made her life more uncertain financially, yet God had always provided. 

So on this day, as she walked down her long driveway to her mailbox, she surveyed her property to her left and to her right and snow was all she saw. She told the Lord that her worries about her finances had covered her like the snow covered the ground and she was afraid. Could He give her a sign that He was going to provide, and like the snow covered ground, she would not be covered with debt and depression. 

No sooner than the prayer left her lips, she saw something in the distance to her right. What was that? She thought as she ventured off of the driveway and  into the field toward the object that had caught her eye. As she got closer she saw that it was a beautiful red rose! In the middle of this frigid winter, in an open field where no roses had ever been planted, this gorgeous flower had risen through the snow to kiss the sun. 

Janet picked the rose and held it to her nose as she walked back to her driveway and then on to her house. The Spirit of the Lord spoke to her heart “Peace child, be still. For if I can raise a rose out of a snow covered field, I can raise you out of your worry covered mind. Under your situation there’s still life. Have faith in me to bring it out for your good.”

When Janet returned to her house, she put the rose in a vase on her kitchen table, and praised God for His provision. When she opened her mail, she found a check from a former business partner of her deceased husband. A letter explained that he had sold a property that they had owned jointly, and the check was for her half. The check was written on the account of Rose Hill Properties. 

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